Seamless Phone Authentication in Flutter with Firebase: A Step-by-Step Guide

2 min readJan 20, 2024


In the fast-paced world of mobile app development, user authentication is a crucial component. Firebase, with its robust set of features, offers a seamless solution for phone authentication in Flutter apps. In this blog post, we’ll walk through the process of implementing phone authentication using Firebase in a Flutter application.

Section 1: Setting Up Firebase

The journey begins with setting up Firebase for your Flutter project. Follow these steps:

  1. Create a Firebase Project: Go to the Firebase Console, create a new project, and configure it for both Android and iOS platforms.
  2. Add Firebase to Your Flutter Project: Add the necessary Firebase dependencies to your pubspec.yaml file. Run flutter pub get to install the dependencies.

sdk: flutter
firebase_core: ^latest_version
firebase_auth: ^latest_version

Initialize Firebase: In your main.dart file, initialize Firebase in the main function.

import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’;
import ‘package:firebase_core/firebase_core.dart’;

void main() async {
await Firebase.initializeApp();

Section 2: Implementing Phone Authentication

Now that Firebase is set up, let’s dive into the implementation of phone authentication.

  1. Create Authentication Screen: Design a screen for phone authentication. You can use the firebase_auth package to interact with Firebase authentication services.

// phone_auth_screen.dart

// Import necessary packages
import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’;
import ‘package:firebase_auth/firebase_auth.dart’;

class PhoneAuthScreen extends StatefulWidget {
_PhoneAuthScreenState createState() => _PhoneAuthScreenState();

class _PhoneAuthScreenState extends State<PhoneAuthScreen> {
FirebaseAuth _auth = FirebaseAuth.instance;
String _phoneNumber = “”;
String _verificationCode = “”;

// … (rest of the code, see the previous response for the complete code)

Request OTP: Implement a method to request the OTP by calling _auth.verifyPhoneNumber().

// Inside _PhoneAuthScreenState class

// … (previous code)

// Button to request OTP
onPressed: () async {
await _auth.verifyPhoneNumber(
// Configuration for phone verification
// … (see previous response for the full code)
child: Text(“Request OTP”),

// … (rest of the code)

Verify OTP: Create a method to verify the entered OTP using _auth.signInWithCredential().

// Inside _PhoneAuthScreenState class

// … (previous code)

// Button to sign in with OTP
onPressed: () async {
try {
PhoneAuthCredential credential = PhoneAuthProvider.credential(
verificationId: _verificationCode,
smsCode: _verificationCode,
await _auth.signInWithCredential(credential);
print(“Authentication Successful!”);
} catch (e) {
child: Text(“Verify OTP”),

Section 3: Integration and Testing

  1. Navigate to PhoneAuthScreen: Integrate the PhoneAuthScreen into your main application screen or wherever you want to initiate phone authentication.

// main.dart

// … (previous code)

onPressed: () {
MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => PhoneAuthScreen()),
child: Text(“Start Phone Authentication”),

Test the App: Run your Flutter app, click the “Start Phone Authentication” button, enter a phone number, request an OTP, and verify the entered OTP.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully implemented phone authentication in your Flutter app using Firebase. This seamless and secure authentication method enhances user experience and privacy, making it an ideal choice for modern mobile applications. As you explore more features and possibilities within Firebase authentication, your app is now equipped with a robust and user-friendly authentication system. Happy coding! #Flutter #Firebase #PhoneAuthentication

